Early-Bird-Rabatt: 10% bis zum 31. Mai Further information

Kultberg Altdöbern

Weinbergsweg 11, 03229 Altdöbern

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About the location

Location Kultberg Altdöbern

Address Weinbergsweg 11, 03229 Altdöbern

Zur Website

The town of Altdöbern has a population of 2,500 and is known as the site of a Baroque palace from the 18th century that was destroyed in 1945. Since 2019, the Kultberg culture centre has provided a “space for work, leisure, and self-discovery” in the former headquarters of the local marksmen’s society on Weinbergsweg. Among the attractions are a retro music bar and a stage for cabaret performances. (Quotation: kultberg.com) 


Zugang über  4-5 Stufen mit Begleitperson möglich. 

Barrierefreie Toilette im Bauprozess

Productions in Kultberg Altdöbern