Gladhouse, Cottbus / Chóśebuz

Straße der Jugend 16, 03046 Cottbus / Chóśebuz

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© Rainer Weisflog

About the location

Location Gladhouse, Cottbus / Chóśebuz

Address Straße der Jugend 16, 03046 Cottbus / Chóśebuz

Zur Website

The Gladhouse Cultural Center is housed in a late classicist building complex that was built by Cottbus citizens in 1846/47 as a clubhouse for the so-called Casino Society. In 1852 it got a new bowling alley on the north side and in 1860 a beer cellar enlivened the east side. A hall extension completed the entertainment business as a so-called "game room" until the area was temporarily converted into a reserve hospital after the First World War. Inaugurated in 1951 as the "Clubhouse of Youth", it offered young people a home for various cultural activities until 1989. In March 1990, it was reopened as a youth cultural center for the city of Cottbus; the connection to the district heating network and an initial roof renovation saved the building from imminent decay. In 2011, the fundamental renovation of the building began, for which the European Union provided extensive funding. The Gladhouse hosts concerts, cinema, literature workshop and much more.


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Productions in Gladhouse, Cottbus / Chóśebuz